Brew Thru - Wed 3-6pm

Save the Kāhuli (Snails)

Product image 1Save the Kāhuli (Snails)
Product image 2Save the Kāhuli (Snails)
Product image 3Save the Kāhuli (Snails)
Product image 4Save the Kāhuli (Snails)
Product image 5Save the Kāhuli (Snails)
Product image 6Save the Kāhuli (Snails)

Regular price $1.00


Donations go towards purchasing critical laboratory equipment and supplies that help the SEPP team care for over 10,000 kāhuli. With the donations from last year, SEPP was able to purchase a microscope, which they use for a variety of purposes, one of which is to find tiny keiki kāhuli. 

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